Tuesday, June 1, 2010

From The Kitchen Table May

From The Kitchen Table

~ The Desk of Lynne Schaefer ~

May 2010

“Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.” Matthew 5:41      

Dear Family and Friends


A couple of weeks ago I was able to deliver a load of goods to the Luse Orphanage from the community of Mbala through the Twazwane project. We have initiated the project to try and involve the community in the orphanages. Too often they are supported by well meaning folks overseas, but too often those well meaning folks withdraw their support leaving vulnerable, hungry children who have been dependent on their support. This is exactly what has happened to Luse Orphanage. Now the orphanage has no food or means to support the children. Through Twazwane, business men and individuals can give to the orphanage knowing that what they give is definitely going to the children. It is Zambian tradition that the community look after children in their community. That everyone is responsible for the children not just the parents. It is on this tradition that we feel the community is also responsible for the orphans, not just well meaning foreigners.

Snake Skinning Boys

May 2012 084 We got home from a really great lunch at our missionary friends the Schwarz’s house, only to find the man who looks after our cows had killed a huge Puff Adder just by our pig sty. We had two extra boys, Tobias and Matthew who are both very good friends of Joel. Tobias had just got his first pocket knife ever for his Birthday. The boys were all very interested in the snake, but I was rather upset about it. The kids are often out by the pig sty and this was a huge, dangerous snake. I recalled a friend who grew up on the mission field telling us one day how his mother made him and his brother get to know snakes well, because they were always out catching them etc. She made them read a lot about them, and get to know the different kinds. I thought what a better way for these 3 boys to get some snake experience than to skin it and see its fangs, insides and so on. I gave them the challenge and in a short while they had the snaked skinned with their pocket knives, researched how to cure the skin, and had it curing in a jar!

Flat Out!

A really strange looking mosquito bit me at a friend’s place out bySONY DSC her gate one afternoon. Exactly 10 days later I came down with a really bad dose of malaria, and was literally knocked flat by it. I shivered and shook for a few days and when I was feeling better I went outside and tripped and sprained my ankle. We thought it was broken from the loud cracking sound it made. But, we thankfully discovered it was not after having to drive 160km to the nearest working x-ray machine.

The Team

SONY DSC A team of 5 will be coming this month from the Hilton Baptist Church in Natal, South Africa. They will be going to the Luse Orphanage to play games and do various activities, and to encourage the staff there. They are also giving us a tremendous gift – they will be painting the inside of our house! They are bringing the paint and supplies. Our house is in a serious need of a paint – with the ceiling paint falling off, the mud walls showing through etc. Please pray for them as they prepare for the trip up, they will be driving.

We also praise God for a donation from a church in SA for us to be able to purchase ministry materials, to be able to finish fixing the SONY DSC boat, and to be able to build a small guest house here to accommodate all our visitors.

Missionary Diary:   Grant has started a blog diary. He will be recording the events of his days and his ministry, you can check it out at: grantschaefer.blogspot.com

SONY DSC Praise God For:

· The donations for the guesthouse, boat and materials

· For my recovery

· For the team that is coming

· For His protection daily

Please Pray for:SONY DSC

· The Team to travel safely

· For our continued protection as a family

· For the Twazwane project to really take off and the community to take full responsibility of the orphanages

Thanks for your encouragement, your prayers and support of our ministry here.

God bless.

Lynne Schaefer and Family

Grant, Joel, Hope, Charley, Olivia, Luke

PO Box, 420032, Mbala, Zambia