Tuesday, July 30, 2013


From the



Schaefer Update

March 2013

We are still in Cape Town. The break has been very good for us all. Grant made it back up to Zambia and back down to Cape Town safely. We will Lord willing return as a family around the 25th April. This decision, however, lies with our mission board. And we are happy to have the backing and accountability of this board, who have been very supportive of us during this time in Cape Town.

clip_image002We celebrated Luke’s 5th birthday and Olivia’s 8th this month! Joel was able to do the Argus Cycle race (109km) and enjoyed every minute of it. He rode with my brother-in-law Richard and both had a really great day. We were also blessed to be given a weekend timeshare at a lovely place in Hermanus.  We had a very relaxing weekend and the kids loved it! We are hoping to be able to take a trip to Port Elizabeth (Grant’s home town) to visit a few family and friends.


We can definitely see God’s hand in us being here for this period of time.  And have experienced his miraculous provision and protection.  We continue to trust him for our future and know that He has it all under control! He has been with us through the good and the bad. And we can still stand and say, “How Great is our God!”


We have been so blessed to be able to go to our own church on Sundays. They have been extremely supportive of us, providing groceries and emotional support.  The kids have enjoyed Sunday school and being part of a youth and we have enjoyed being a part of our own culture. We are very grateful to our good friend Joe, who has opened his home to us all these months, putting up with a family of 7 who have completely taken over his awesome house!

Pray for us as we seek the Lord at this time. For His guidance.  For his provision and that we as a family will keep our eyes focused on Him and His will for us. We are very grateful to all of you that have given over and above to help us during this time, with all the extra expenses that we have had.

God bless,

clip_image004Lynne Schaefer and Family


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