Tuesday, July 30, 2013


From The Kitchen Table

~ The Desk of Lynne Schaefer ~

June 2013


The Schaefers with our Opi Joe, who we stayed with in Cape Town!

Life As We Know It!


After a 13 day trip, with hours of driving, breakdowns and sickness, we are finally home.  It was a long, tiresome trip for the adults and a blast for the kids!  They love the camping. I loved the road food all made with love and frozen by our dear friend Fransie.  She made life so easy. The only problem was the 7 day trip turned into a 13 day one!  So we ran out of her awesome food. But, as usual, a plan was always made.

But now, back to reality! The easy Cape Town life is over.  And it’s back to our usual life. It’s Saturday morning, and I got woken up by Joel’s alarm clock going off at 5:30am.  Only to find he was not even in bed but was off on a cycle. Hope is busy moping and cleaning the house with her headphones on, singing at the top of her voice.  You know, that droning sound a person does when they can’t hear themselves singing and don’t actually know all the words! Then I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of 3 gun shots! Boom, Boom, Boom! Ah, yes, I remember now! It’s that dreaded slaughter day. And grant has shot a young bull, with Olivia and Luke close at his heals. And so the skinning process begins with the poor thing being hoisted up a tree!  Olivia, standing with a huge bowie knife in her hand. My awesome dog Sniper, sitting watching, waiting, with slobber hanging from his jowls, hoping for just a little piece.

Meanwhile, Charley is busy kneading bread dough in the kitchen, while rocking a baby doll cradle with her foot!  But, there is no doll inside the cradle, but Emmy and Stevie’s new baby lying there as happy as ever! And me, well, I am in my usual spot, the kitchen, making muffin mix, mayonnaise and grinding the garlic cloves to store in the fridge while listening to Hope’s “droning” singing.  And trying to not think about the Boom, Boom, Boom, and the young bull hanging in the tree outside. 

On Tuesday, school will start.  As Monday will be the cutting and mincing and packing of the meat. That bull needs to hang there for a few days. Then, Grant will sort his office out, fix the car again, and do a whole load of other household maintenance. Like fix the washing machine I blew up 2 days ago. And then it’s back to ministry, where Grant is at his best, teaching and training local Pastors and laymen. Yes, it’s back to life. As we know it!

So, how am I doing?  How am I feeling about being back?  Not sure yet. But so far, so good.

Keep praying for us, and if you have prayer requests send them onto us so we can pray for you. Our Luke is a serious prayer warrior!

God bless. In Him.


Lynne Schaefer and Family

Grant, Joel, Hope, Charley, Olivia, Luke

PO Box, 420032, Mbala, Zambia



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